‘Tis the Season to Grab Galactic ~ 13 Dec 2022

Every year at this time immediately preceding the solstice, the Sun in Sagittarius aligns with the ecliptical degree of the Galactic Center. Every year there exists an opportunity to grab galactic insights as if they are an abundance of low hanging fruit. Those individuals not sufficiently distracted by year-end accounting fixes, the holidays and the impact of replacing the Gregorian Calendar on the wall have an opportunity to glean the full benefits of this transit.

The benefits include none other than free and direct access to a plethora of insightful intellectual property. This IP can be converted into products, inventions, protocols, creative endeavors or campaigns of consciousness. Says the Sun, “Make sure everyone knows that you were the one who downloaded what you did and that you did with it what you did!” Comply with the appreciation of the value of IP as you register your GC download(s). Apply for copyrights or patents as applicable. Certainly this is free cosmic information distributed by the Creator... the source of Universal Good and should be regarded as such. One theory is that this is a means by which the Creative Powers behind such insights offers benefit and economic well-being to those who take the time and make the effort to cosmically tune in. You can perceive the benefit package and the complexities of applying it however you will, but do realize that if you do not claim the insight(s), someone else will and could potentially block you from disseminating the ver download you received more or less concurrent with theirs.

This is progressive knowledge coming down the pike this time of year. Others will not be able to wrap around it for several months. As such, it’s probably not suitable for holiday dinner conversation or for commentary during a year end parade. Hold onto it. Develop it. Harbor it. When the time is right and collective need for this insight can be realized, that’s your opening. Put it out there without reserve, given that you’ve developed its usefulness in the meantime.

Every year around this time Mercury and Venus also transit the Galactic Center, as they did when December began. They point out the notation of the cosmic insights and the value of such insights. This year, Mars’ position by retrograde presently opposes the Great Attractor and more than supercharges this year’s Sun to Galactic Center transit five days hence. There are a few important points for making the most of Mars to the Great Attractor.

First, this is the second of three transits (the first occurred 15 September). The final transit of Mars to GA occurs on 14 February. Valentine’s Day coming up signifies the absolute and final initiation of what’s been on your personal back burner since September 2022. Whatever causes mental ping-pong regarding getting on with this or not, requires resolution soon. In fact, the insights received with the Sun to the Galactic Center might offer the missing piece to making sense of this deeper galactic puzzlement and urge you forward with the dispensing of the goods you know to be true.

Second, with Mars to the Great Attractor several cosmic demands underscore proper application of the energy Mars seeks to stir up. There must be full disclosure. Once disclosure begins, nothing can be held back. The insight for immediate application of Mars to the GA demands that the benefits apply to everyone. No one nor thing nor location can be excluded from its benefit. The attributive nature needs to be wholly universal. The guidance gained is unlike anything ever heard before. It is completely new. The insights are so on-target that when first heard by others there is no dismay, nor reaction as to how difficult this will be to implement... nothing like that. It’s simply a reaction of “Wow! That’s a great idea! And, the impact of this is going to be awesome in a great way!” Simply, in the moment the insight makes sense, works and it works great.

Given that Mars transits the GA again on Valentine’s Day and given that the celebration of this saintly sort is all about love, keep this personal at first. Act like Jupiter is in Aries. That will be true soon... on the solstice... on the heels of the Sun transiting the Galactic Center. What is it that you would love to do? What would you love to do to make yourself a team player on Planet Earth? What you would love to do that applies all of your talents and skills without exception? What would you love to do to let the world know you have a great idea and it could be the next big thing? What would you love to do to feel fully engaged in your life and as if you stand at the helm, steering the ship of your life forward? What would you love to do to indicate everything you know and share with people everything you know about yourself to be true? A Valentine’s Day vow to affirm such action and your capabilities for same would be a better gift than candy hearts with clever phrases.

Make yourself a valentine. Write all insights and intentions down. Carve them into a stone. Affirm it with yourself in a cosmic moment where you examine yourself in a mirror. Do something to memorialize all you know and all you know to be factual about what you can do and have to offer.

This connection right now, with Mars retrograding to the GA is important Get in there and review everything that has nagged at you from off stage. The coach who’s been telling you what you need to do. A partner that tells you about the “this and that” of what you’re capable of doing. More, it’s about you setting yourself in a calm, silent space such that you can hear the Creator’s opinion about what you’re now doing with your life and what’s in store for you.

These galactic points serve as lodestones. While you’re humming that holiday tune you claim to hate that’s stuck in your head, ponder the insights tingling your head. They’re like light raindrops or gentle snowflakes falling from above. When their gentle persuasion is felt, look up... to their source... to the sky... to the Galactic Center... to the Great Attractor... into the Infinite. Ponder the cycle of life created by nurturing moisture that falls from the sky. Consider it’s essentiality. Consider that it is for all... and for the good of the planet... just like the mental fodder seeking the creative incubator inside your consciousness.

‘Tis the season! Indeed it is. Grab your Galactic Goodies and as Jupiter enters Aries about the solstice, commit that you intend to do the best you can with all the goodness you successfully received! A perfectly wrapped package!

More soon... however, given the busy season we all presently engage, unless a supernova explodes, or they find Planet 9, this will be the final post I write in 2022. Not to worry. The first post for next year has already been written and stored in the cyber queue.